42nd birthday of the Estonian Caravan Association – SKI BASE 21.-24. July Kuutsemäe

We are pleased to invite all our members and friends to celebrate the 42nd birthday of the Club on July 21-24, 2022.

This year’s birthday takes place in the picturesque ski resort of the Estonian Highlands in  Kuutsemäe Holiday Center . In sparse air, the highest peaks of the highland mountain villages reach 216 meters above sea level, as in Mäepealse. In addition, picturesque chains and well-known mountain villages such as Lilleoru, Aidataguse and Kelguküla are nearby.

Bring skis, sledges, snowboards and, if necessary, an oxygen mask. Snow cannot be guaranteed, but considering Estonia’s summer, nothing is impossible.
The style this time ” THERE IS A DANCE PARTY AT THE SKI BASE “
Many nice surprises and moody activities await the participants on the spot!

For more infomation and registration please visit the page of Estonian Caravan Association.