Calendar 2024!

“Year on Reverse: How our Latvian Caravan Club will spend this 2024 with Dragon at the helm!!!”

Hey, travelers! Get ready for your world to be turned upside down in 2024! Who would’ve thought that we, tired and weary of the same old parties, would ever experience real adrenaline again? But here it is – the Year on Reverse, and our Latvian Caran Club is ready to shake up your gray mood and shake it to the core!

Listen up, guys, we’ve been here for three years now, and it’s time for us to show that we’re not just another boring spot for campfire chats. This year will be crazier and more memorable than ever!

Season opening? Ha, forget what you’re used to seeing. We’ll raise the bar so high that standard parties will seem like a nap after lunch. Trust me, you won’t even be able to imagine what awaits us!

As we open the season, we promise you the craziest show you’ve ever seen. Forget about established standards, we’re going beyond the ordinary. The themes of our parties are such that even in the most desperate fantasies, it’s hard to imagine. We’re getting ready to surprise and amaze you to the core. Our club is only in its third year, but how we grow and strive forward, like a little dragon, eager to become the greatest!

And what about Midsummer? Get ready for your idea of fun to be turned upside down! No one has ever done what we’re planning to do, and it’ll be an explosion of emotions that you’ll remember for a long time. Midsummer? It will be something completely different. We’ll turn it upside down, like the magic of a dragon, bringing into your life unforgettable experiences and unexpected twists of events. Get ready for what no one else has done.

In the summer, the Latvian Caravan Club invites you to go in search of winter in the northernmost countries! Imagine how we’ll stroll under the glow of the northern lights and battle the icy winds, like true heroes of fantasy legends.

And then, at the end of the season, we’ll gather together to share our emotions for this crazy year. Friends, these will be the weekends we’ll never forget, because we spent this year in reverse, and every minute was like an adrenaline rush!

And the icing on the cake will be our beloved golden autumn, which will be more unpredictable and exciting than ever. Get ready for your life to be turned upside down, because 2024 is the year on reverse, the year when we’ll feel alive again!

Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with our fantastic program for this year! We greatly appreciate your interest and support. We want to emphasize that all information about our events will be available in advance on our website and in our Facebook group. We will also personally inform all our friends so that no one misses the opportunity to dive into the world of adventures with us.

Once again, thank you for your interest and trust. Get ready for incredible adventures with the Latvian Caravan Club!!!!